Monday, September 3, 2007

It's official

I'm holding an agreement that's been signed by me and my agent. So I'm officially agented. My proposal is currently out at several different publishers, awaiting a nibble of interest. To quote my favorite movie, I hate waiting.

Actually, it's not so bad. I've been in this long enough to have become an expert at waiting. I'm going to fill the months with busyness. It's well past time to dive into my next WIP in earnest. I'll let you know how that goes, mostly to keep myself accountable. I can imagine one of you cares if I meet a word-count goal for the week, can't I?

And I finally received some sci-fi for critique. Stay tuned for that.

Have a great Labor Day!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Tina!!! You must be elated. Thanks for being an encouragement to so many. Blessings and more on the next leg of this journey.

Anonymous said...


May those nibbles become bites.

Blessings & congrats to you! Do keep us posted ... your journey is an encouragement to all of us.

I am delighted for you.

And yes, in the words of the Forest Guard of Dekker's "Circle Trilogy" ... Dive Deep into that next WIP.

Get that word count up Mrs. Helmuth! :-)


Richard L. Mabry, MD said...

Congratulations--to you on now having an agent, and to the agent for having such a talented writer for a client.

Ernie W. said...

Way to go Tina. That is awesome. Keep us updated.


Christina Tarabochia said...

I'd love to hear your word count. :-)