Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's April??

This is just a quick post to let you know I'm back.

It's been quite a winter. A very long one... and yet I can't believe it's April already.

On Christmas day, my father-in-law, Perry, ended up in the hospital with a bowel blockage--a side effect of colon cancer and its treatment. Our Christmas was canceled. Well, postponed until January 11, when he was out of the hospital after surgery.

On January 23, he was back in again. This time there was nothing they could do. A patient with a bowel blockage can't eat or drink anything. The IV nutrition they gave him was absorbed by the cancer before his body could utilize it.

On the 30th, they sent him home to die. The hospice nurse gave him a week to live. She's had years of experience, and she's usually right on.

Perry lasted 7 weeks.

For the first three weeks we were there every day. After all, we thought, this could be our last chance to see him. When he stabilized and even improved slightly, we cut back to a few times a week.

So that's where all my free time has gone. I thought about blogging a few times in there, but saying, "My husband's dad is dying" seemed so stark. And so I stayed away. But now that the funeral is over, and I've caught up on some other things that were neglected during those two months, I'm ready to blog again.

I'll have some reviews soon. Even a critique or two. I'll also share a little more about Perry. He was an incredible man of God. Well loved by his family, church and community. He died as he lived--to the glory of God.


shaunjoy said...

Hi Tina, glad to see you're back online again. Looking forward to checking out more of your reviews!

Bonnie Way aka the Koala Mom said...

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your loss, but glad that you were able to spend time with him before he passed on.

Richard L. Mabry, MD said...

You know I've been praying for you and your family. So sorry for your loss.

Christina Tarabochia said...

What a rough reason for being gone, but you did the right thing. Family definitely takes precedence over blogging.