Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My absence

I’m sorry for the lack of posts this week. I actually have things to post, but I was sick as a dog all weekend, and so far this week. Right now I’m seeing things through a mental fog. I can only pray I’m making sense.

Below you’ll see the rules for my contest. I not only wanted to expand and clarify them, but I wanted a separate post to refer to in later weeks.

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I’m still sick, let’s just call it a week. I’ll come back Monday—Lord willing—strong as ever.

May your Thanksgiving be a time of blessing with friends and family.

1 comment:

Camille Eide said...

Sorry you're not well, Tina. I hope you get over it quickly and are able to enjoy the holiday.

I sent a piece to critique, it you still need something to chew on. But if you so use it, don't enter me in your drawing; I already have that fabulous book. It's a must have!!