Saturday, July 19, 2008


It looks like my brother, who's been struggling with cancer for three and a half years, is down to his final days.

I don't put much stock in human estimates of how much time a person has left. The nurse's estimate of one week left for my father-in-law turned into seven weeks. But I know that my brother doesn't have much time left at any rate. He's had hospice care at my parent's house for a while now.

I'd appreciate a quick prayer for my family if you don't mind--the Tinquists. My brother is in quite a bit of pain. And if that's what it's come down to, none of us want it to drag on for longer than it has to. Once again, we're putting it in God's hands.

The timing isn't great. My husband's sister and her family will arrive tomorrow and stay through Thursday. So I'll be a bit torn between the Helmuths and the Tinquists this week. I should be able to alternate my time between them. But again, prayer is appreciated.

And yes, I have a book review due. I finished Searching for Spice, and really enjoyed it. I might write the review today. It could be Monday. Or it could be... don't hold your breath.


Richard L. Mabry, MD said...

You and your family will be in our prayers. And as for the blog posts and comes first. Always.

Christina Tarabochia said...

Tina, I'm sorry to hear this. You've been hit by a lot. I'll pray for you.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about this,I'll pray for you and your family.

Christian Travel Directory

Anonymous said...


Thank you for making us aware of your family's situation. In that sense you bless us with the opportunity to specifically pray for you and your family ... which we will do.

God is glorified when we share our pain and struggles, showing one another love as we are called to do.

Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for your family